Friday, April 01, 2005

Yahoo Lets Us Down!

What's happening on Yahoo? Last night we were number 1 (just like on Altavista).

Today we're only number 5. (Check here for the latest position.)

How can this be? How do these search engines work anyway? Aardvark senses a conspiracy.

Could this involve the stealthy hand of the CIA creating false sites?

Is the State Security Ministry involved?

Who's really behind this?

A drop of 4 places over-night just doesn't seem possible without some covert ranking grabbing actions.

Link to Aardvark - don't let these folks have their way!

Let's keep working to retain position on the search engine maps for Atamyrat!


Blogger Lisa said...

only 16th on mamma today :o what's the world coming to?

1:15 PM  

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