Monday, March 21, 2005

Sapa Transforms Healthcare

Our illustrious and far sighted leader Saparmurat Niyazov has taken a further step towards making Turkmenistan the leading edge and thinking man's country of the 3rd Millenium.

At a stroke (of the pen or the lash), he has made 90%+ of our country healthier!

Going forward (as we always do in our progessive society) all ill people will be sent to the capital city Ashgabat (see CIA map below) ensuring dramatic reductions in health problems in downtown Atamyrat and similar nightlife centers. All hospitals outside of Ashgabat will be closed down freeing up enormous sums of money to be spent on global promotion of the now very healthy Atamyrat Eurotrance club scene (Ibiza won't know what hit it!) as well as the odd new gold embellished statue of Sapa.

Follow this link for more details about this breakthrough in health care delivery.

Aardvark is convinced that this approach can be applied easily to other countries.

He suggests establishing four Centers for Disease (CDs) in the United States:

  • New York

  • Chicago

  • Dallas (only included to help sell this concept to GWB)

  • Los Angeles

  • This will help balance the budget for sure!

    To avoid confusion with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, it will henceforth be renamed as the Center for Illness Control (CIC - pronounced "sick").

    Let's move sick people on the map to Ashgabat!


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