Sunday, March 20, 2005

Aardvark Eats Humble Pie

It turns out that the only map on the internet which shows Atamyrat is the one used by the CIA. (Your humble blogger "who tells it how it is" is devastated!)

The CIA Map

Needless to say, Aardvark's research team is now in hiding wondering when the hit squad (or take-away team as we know them here) will strike. Next stop for all they know is a cell in the capital of another Middle Eastern country (country and capital city names withheld for reasons of self preservation).

To avert any further possible misunderstandings, Aardvark hereby goes on record that the CIA got this one right. (But that still doesn't account for their not mentioning the world class Margaritas we drink while soaking up our nightly ration of Eurotrance in the clubs of downtown Atamyrat.)

And as for the UK Foreign Office - hey guys the CIA out did you for sure on this one!

Let's get Atamyrat on a map that's not the CIA's!


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