On no! Kangaroo Curry!
Aardvark is distraught. Not only is there still no sign of Jumper but check out this recipe - Red Thai Kangaroo Curry.
Jumper could become a curry! Or a steak (see above to check out how he might look in his new career - a bit different from the old leaping off into the sunset with a bloody nose dontcha think?)
Now Aardvark understands why the Australian-Turkmen were so keen to introduce the annual Roo hunting season.
Next time Aardvark visits the Outback Steakhouse in downtown Atatmyrat, he's going to check the menu very carefully. Although they specialise in cow meat (and who cares about that - no self respecting Turkmen wants to be seen crossing the freeway on a bovine transport creature anyway), Aardvark is convinced he could find Jumper on the menu. And if not there, then at the Koi Samui or Phuket (no pun intended but its kinda unavoidable) Palace Thai restaurants.
Oh Jumper, what have you leapt into? (Maybe the pot or the barbi for all we know.)
Let's keep Jumper off the downtown Atamyrat restaurant map!
By the way, in following up on good Thai recipes and their thing about peanuts (which as everyone knows are a legume), Aardvark came accross a new fear he hadn't even imagined before. Check this out - Arachibutyrophobia otherwise known as Sticky Peanut Butter Phobia or Thai Kangaroo's Revenge.
i have been wondering for years what the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth was called, and now i finally know, woo! i think i originally saw it on countdown or blue peter or some other highly intellectual show.
also is the site about arachibutyrophobia for real or just taking the piss?
Most of the time it's never possible to know anything for sure. And in this case you certainly know that. It's all a consequence of the Quantum Theory of Life (complete with paradoxes).
(i.e. You can know nothing with complete certainty except this.)
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